is a new synchro-mystical scrying medium as postmodern update on the oft mundane naturalistic media deployed in divinatory necromancy. Not dissimilar to the traditional psychomantic arrangement, the ideal updated rig replaces the Victorian chair and black mirror with a gamer throne and 8k ultra-high resolution monitor. The traditional scrying media (flames, pond beds, or crystals observed for long periods of time to induce hypnagogic hallucination & communicate with the dead) are ignored and apostatized in this video curse which deploys instead a combination of antipathetic systems of visual imagery: naturalistic footage invaded by the ever intrusive tentacles of urbanism (taken on an iPhone 6 and played back repetitively in the same location) intercut with charged artefacts of the cursed online; hexed JPEGS; anathematic MOVs; selfies of persons lifted randomly from social media and photoshopped for sacrificial purposes; and perhaps most importantly a series of 144 hand scrawled sigils. The video is to be viewed in a pitch black room in total solitude, lit only by the digital luminescence of the obsidian screen, with the optional enhancement of hallucinogenic substance, dance, and/or self-flagellation. In some cases the ritual will be experienced within intimate groups led by a power-violence reading of the below mad black prayer. This accompanying spell tells of a Theanthropic prophecy of artificial death which is experienced in the viewing; as “data sewages the corporeal [and] the body becomes less instrumental’. This audio-visual dataset builds in sonic-luminant momentum as a strobing onslaught, inducing sensory overload and ecstatic gnosis. is a left-handed aleatoric mode of videomancy; a communion with a cybionic future from meatspace towards an ever descending bio-death; a Burroughsian Playback Curse targeting not one physical location but Anthropogenic immanence itself.

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I. Altare Domini Inferi Oculus!

II. The eye is the tumor of the mind

III. A neoplastic procession carries the disease; poisoned by the N-hexal glow

IV. Twinning apostles journey forth; 24 splitting ill of skull necrosis

V. Nos autem in Speculum nigrum!

VI. Draculocker thugs spawning AIRSOFT GUNS VIA iPAD;

VII. Ghetto-blasted aircraft carriers implode by the dozen

VIII. Artificial cell death initiates neuro-schizoid upload

IX. The sacred data center has malfunctioned; a holy site discovered and laid to waste

X. Primates are inverted in a horror exhibition; mammalian fleshbags turned inside out;

XI. Exploding heads!

XII. Protrusions of pesticide; spillage from every cavity

XIII. His cybercloptic third eye produces visions of eternal torture

XIV. The dragon slumbers frozen beneath a fleshy crust

XV. Data sewages the corporeal, the body becomes less instrumental;

XVI. Motor-functions halt in a catatonic spasm

XVII. Luciferdesu reaches into the stomach of his prey; his nose plunges the bust

XVIII. Pornographic interludes of Oedipal orgies; a triangular dynasty

XIX. Necromancer of silicon Jesus! Mass produced rubber dolls, burnt down for fuel

XX. The furious winds of collapse swallow you;

XXI. An infectum of nano-cops patrol the veins of the city

XXII. The city is a living organism

XXIII. We feed on the plastic remains of the Christ doll eucharist;

XXIV. Food is plentiful in the next world