Having to talk destroys the symphony of silence.
We are all susceptible to the pull of viral ideas. Like mass hysteria. Or a tune that gets into your head that you keep humming all
day until you spread it to someone else. Jokes. Urban legends. Crackpot religions. Marxism. No matter how smart we get, there
is always this deep irrational part that makes us potential hosts for self-replicating information.
Aight, who shit myself?
Our anthropomorphic departure is neither prehistory nor prophecy. Man mimics beast. Cybionics map organismic computing of distributive (un)intelligence [stupidity], anticipating a cybernetics of quorum-sensory intellectual and cultural resource (mis)management [malefaction]. The inverted synergistic triad is mapped as such: (1) shared synesthesiac/amnesiac sensory overload, (2) collective irrationality & (3) coordinated Nash equilibrial reaction. The topography is one of a terrorist-media symbiosis which follows as thus: terror is sewn (in the real), representationally mass produced and disseminated (barraged) thus causing the proliferation of pandemonic reactionism. This machinic process is visually pheremonal at its core, a cryptoglyphic decoding servicing memetic regulation, restricting expression to restrain population efflux, ideological propagation, procreation, colonization. Swarm-governance. A servitude to darkness. O, hellish hivemind. The trillion breasted queen will quench your thirst for milky extinction. Sameness is thwarted in favor of chaos. Avatar skins are gambled away. A perpetual metamorphosis is occurring. The Kafka Syndrome. An infinite cyber-positive ecdysis of prior cultural iterations, forgotten and ancient. Exoskeletal fossils lay strewn over the desert of yesterday.
Biomimicry longs to assemble itself as utility, privileging architectures which positively induce humanist moral simulacra. Feathered appendages sprout our shoulder blades slashing tattooed flesh. Seraphic babble of chatroom: collision choir of celestial users, divine thy forum; o cloudy omen. We ascend out from urconsciousness, lifted from the wastelands of pre-singularity. A transcendence so sour. Yet it is a puppet parasite within us enabling flight. A mind virus. The chorus buzzes a brown note. We unleash our bowels from on high into the cryptoglyphic forum, tweeting our philosophy like runic carvings on the digital tabula. The vampiric fangs begin to show. Cannibalization, incest -- positive feedback loops of taboo spiral out of control. A polyphony of parasitism. A collision choir.
The new anti-prophets proliferate virally. Their disciples have removed the head of Godking to reveal the acephalic worm of content tunneling its neck exiting it’s headless corpse. We are no longer tormented by the glare of the image basilisk. No longer enshrouded by his poisonous gaze. We bathe in his venom for we are unafraid. For this God's eye view is obstructed. Blinded. Google Earth undergoes winter mutation. We are the new amanuensis, transcribing iterative image macros and apocryphal metaversal urtexts. IMPACT hieroglyphics. Pseudepigrapha of multimedia franchises. Prayers of psionic pop-cultural magic. Transmedial trance inducer. Fuzzy divinations. Spoken with the tongue of the eye. Encrusted in layers of daemonic digital noise indecipherable to connective alphabetic continuity. Untranslatable by western reason or linear temporality. Timelessness. A venomous cobweb of virality; of transmission: staining the ruins of the fallen Tower of Babel. Skeletons crushed yet more tongues cut out. The tongue of the eye is the sacred ocular growth. Our Ecdysis. The rift of metaversal immanence. The eyeworm parasitic. Mythologies of fandom, worship, non-canonical multimedia dissemination; swarm-authorship. Prophecies of intertextuality, schizo-tricameral visual hallucinations on snowcrash.
What follows is a deep fried grimoire bound by anthropodermic bibliopegy. The skin of our ancestral saints, the wanderers of web 1 & 2.0. What follows is an authorless cyber-necronomicon ripe with neurochemical memotoxins, BLITs, information hazards, and data vexes. What follows is the soil fertilized by the acephalic worm, the word exploding on the tongue, miaming the mouth eternally.
Most of these images appeared first somewhere in the oversaturated horror of the mediascape. Authorship is dead. It never really existed. Copyright, like law, is archaic: a deficient attempt at privatizing intellectual substance in a runaway deregulated panorama of visual contemporaneity.
All images compiled and presented by SWARMLINK_AI c. 2020, 2021.
1. Jabber Crucible
2. Frogleash Clorox
3. Subicide
4. CUMspiracy
5. Baby Yoda Typebeat
6. Exxxquisite Corpus
7. The Four Faces of Sacred Seduction 8. Depressed Cthululian Monk
9. Dogject
10. Cliptoon
11. Poopy Sacred
12. Dusty Cringe Sim Startscreen
13. Chungi Brainquake [left brain]
14. Chungi Brainquake [right brain] 15. Boner Shiva
16. Libtard Arcade
17. Stalker Glock
18. The Scream (3D) [God’s Mistake]
19. r/deepfriedmemes [Locked Out]
20. Sacred Log In
21. 3 Mouthed Retard
22. Russian Doll Vore
23. Ankle Fever : Economic Downturn
24. Crockasian
25. Feet Yeet
26. Beroine
27. Bopsichord
28. Fractalized Fun Fact (Psionic Gawd)
29. Vortical Reflux
30. Breastfeeding Monke
31. Nullhole
32. Baba Booey
33. Belly of Hell
34. Economic Prolapse
35. Stank Bank
36. Succubus Facial
37. Filippino Dorito Filibuster
38. Angery
39. Penisocalypse
40. The Fairy Queen
41. Technophilic Man Whore
42. Holy Spirit Porta Potty
43. Alphagetti Confetti
44. Post Colonial Blues
45. 95 3 29
46. Cypherpunk
47. Molar Soul
48. Ninja Turtle Boofsmoker
49. Name One Object In This Room [6th Eyeworm] 50. Barry Botter Bod
51. Anarcho Xmas Pharma Swag
52. God Reaches Into Fire Lake
53. (in)Trinity
54. Food Porn Seizure Warning
55. Kingdom of Sauerkraut Man
56. Spinal Fap (i do not exist)
57. Hard Clorox
58. Cursed Cabinet
59. The Furry Kool-Aid Acid Test
60. Is This Image Real or Fake?
61. Mammalian Egg Knockers
62. Glum Vortex
63. Sluggonaughtical Condom Experiments 64. Hivemind Holiday
65. DJ Rot Dog
66. Green Man (solo performance)
67. I should be dead already.
68. Cum Sweat and Fangs
69. Swamp Room [Emojicon Banner]
70. W∞dy Spider with Impressive I.Q. 71. Baris, Brance
72. Piggy Soul
73. Apolitical Critical
74. Sputum Burn
75. Joy
76. Abducted
77. Drobot Mourning 78. Dicktongues
79. Oops Yooooooo
80. can u dont
81. Frog Eggs in My Pussy
82. Screen Share
83. Best Man
84. Frog Off
85. Bonk!
86. Cartoonivorous
87. Squad Pic
88. Office Culture
89. After Work/After Life
90. Satan Claws at You
91. Rites of Feasting
92. Caught Having Sex on Cam
93. Ass Eater
94. Near Death Exxxperience
95. Conference
96. Dank Swag
97. Mr. Bruh [Interference]
98. Interspecial Special
99. Sky Opening like Vagina
100. Sclitteral
101. Collidoscope
102. Venom Bath
103. Daemon
104. Butcher Bruh
105. 4x Approval Rate
106. Cryptoglyph 1: mall daemon 107. Cryptoglyph 2: tricameral cat 108. Speech Impediment
109. Cryptoglyph 3: Prismic Orifice 110. Floggmelter.
111. Cloggsmelter
112. Godking Wormhead
113. Nullhole [Bloodsore]
114. Trollhead